Maud Santamaria

Customer Experience SIG Chair, IWFM


Across the workplace and facilities management landscape, there are great instances of best practice and award-winning teams delighting customers. At the same time, it’s rare to see FM held up as an exemplar of great customer-centric behaviour on a par with the best retailers, telecoms providers or automotive organisations. We can benefit hugely by looking for different industries to learn from and in return share our magic with them.

The Customer Experience SIGs role will be to bring together members with a passion for customer-centric delivery, the ideas and best practice that have made a difference, and the drive to create a nucleus of ideas and innovation to enrich our members and the industry.

If you have a question about our Customer Experience SIG, please contact our Chair or IWFM’s Community team directly.

Visit us on LinkedIn for the latest discussion, updates and events.

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