Dave Cooke

Risk and Business continuity management SIG chair, IWFM


Our SIG provides a platform for the development and promotion of best practice in a number of key areas applicable to the Workplace and Facilities Management community. These areas are: -

  1. Risk management
  2. All aspects of security
  3. Business continuity, disaster recovery and crisis management
  4. Cyber security

We aim to support those with responsibilities in these areas and help them access the information they need to keep up to date with developments and tackle the challenges they face. We do this by publishing guidance, newsletters, organising events and answering direct enquires.

If you have responsibilities or an interest in the disciplines above, we invite you to join us.

If you have a question about our SIG, please contact our Chair or IWFM’s Community team directly.


Axis Communications

For a smarter, safer world, Worldwide

We enable a smarter and safer world by creating network solutions to improve security and to find new ways of doing business. The world is changing fast, and we make sure we stay ahead of those changes. We operate in the IT and security industries and have extended into the audio, voice over IP and building automation markets.


Have you thought about volunteering?

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Have you thought about volunteering?

Find out more about volunteering for IWFM SIGs here >

Want to join our Committee?

To find out more about volunteering at IWFM, contact [email protected]