By joining, you unlock a variety of member benefits to guide and assist you with your professional development.

  • Secure your grade: Show your peers that you're dedicated to the profession and its development and showcase your level of expertise by securing your grade (Certified, for example) which you can then display with post nominal letters. Membership is the first step to gaining recognition within the profession.

  • Network your way to success: When you join, you immediately receive access to our regions and special interest groups (SIGs) and the variety of events they host throughout the year.

  • Attend insider events: Attend the annual IWFM National Conference to hear from industry leaders and spend a day dedicated to workplace and facilities management professional development and networking.

  • Gain exclusive industry insight: Stay ahead with research reports, policy updates, Good Practice Guides and more - helping you navigate trends and shape best practices in workplace and facilities management.

  • Receive guidance: Our team are always on hand to talk you through your options for professional development. You can call and email us at any time to receive advice and guidance

  • Get discounts on training courses: We have short courses for professionals at all levels, by joining you will get discounts on all our training courses

  • Get free access to the profession's leading publication: As part of your membership, you'll receive a subscription to the profession's leading publication, Facilitate. We also release an annual, members-only Buyers Guide that will save you both time and money by giving you access to the latest services.

  • Connect with the IWFM community with our IWFM members-only Community groups forum.  

  • Reach your potential with IWFM Mentoring, a one-to-one career service for members at professional grades, and those with a complementary one-year membership as part of their IWFM qualification

  • Get involved in our Strategic Leaders Forum: developed to promote, support, and foster the growth of IWFM Certified and Fellow members wherever they operate.

  • Access to IWFM Jobs board: Leverage IWFM Jobs to connect with top talent in workplace and facilities management.