5 reasons to take our 2024 Skills Survey 


  • Employment and Skills

19 June 2024

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A key part of IWFM’s offering is the IWFM Professional Standards Handbook, which sets out what it means to be a workplace and facilities management (WFM) professional. It’s a priority for us to ensure the Standards accurately reflect WFM’s practice and potential. As such, the 2024 Skills Survey touches on today’s major trends and engages professionals across the sector to keep our knowledge about core competencies up to date. 

Initial feedback reveals that the Survey takes little as thirteen minutes to complete. We encourage the survey to be shared widely; the more professionals share their insight, the more robust the results are. Additionally, the insight gained will lead to specific IWFM actions and outputs to better inform and support our offering to you. 

 Here are five reasons to take our Survey: 

  • Help IWFM develop CPD opportunities for you. 

  • Inform our understanding so we can provide guidance on how you can progress in your career. 

  • Feed into the development of IWFM qualifications to help support your professional development. 

  • Share your voice on additional skills and competencies that WFMs in your role require. 

  • Support IWFM in increasing sector recognition of skills and understanding at your membership level. 

Live until early July, we encourage all WFM professionals to help share the survey and participate in it. This is part of our mission to continue to support professionals to gain and develop the skills needed to realise WFM’s huge potential. 

To take part in the Survey, simply click here