Building safety course: new August date added to meet demand


  • Building Services

31 May 2023


Following the launch earlier this year, IWFM’s one-day virtual course ‘Building Safety Act: what FMs need to know and do’ has proved popular, with dates selling out and availability in July running out fast. To meet demand, we have released a further date on 8 August.

Click here to find out more and book your place.

Members receive a discount on all of our courses.

Delivered by Anthony Taylor, one of the leading experts in the development of the competences needed to deliver against the new regulations, this course provides all the essential knowledge required by FMs to comply with the new requirements.

Failing to comply with certain requirements of the new building safety regime is a criminal offence, but as IWFM’s Head of Policy has stated, ‘There is a real opportunity for the FM profession to support the effective implementation of these measures’.

While much of the new regime relates to management of residential property only, Part 3 of the Act relates to all building work, including refurbishment in occupation. This means that FMs working in mixed use buildings, hospitals or care homes also need to understand the new requirements. Furthermore, IWFM anticipates that many of the new requirements will quickly filter through to commercial property as best practice.