IWFM ‘delighted’ to have helped inform Government’s new FM Strategy


  • Facilities

30 November 2022


Following support from IWFM, the UK Government published its first ever Facilities Management Strategy on 14 November. The Government directs almost 20% (£13 billion) of the UK’s £65 billion FM market.

Covering the period to 2030 and aligned to the Government Property Strategy, the Strategy sets out ‘a coordinated, cross-government vision for facilities management, setting the strategic approach and standards which will govern what good looks like and the quality of service which should be aspired to’.

IWFM has been supporting the Government’s drive to standardise and upskill its property function for some years. Following our ongoing support for the development of the Cabinet Office’s competence framework and upskilling programme, we also had the opportunity to feed into its first FM strategy through a roundtable.

IWFM CEO Linda Hausmanis commented: ‘The Government’s first Facilities Management Strategy articulates the critical role that workplace and facilities management plays in achieving Government’s estates objectives and delivering effective services for UK citizens.

‘The Institute’s own work is aligned with its important pillars – workplace productivity, sustainability and levelling up through FM’s central role in driving social value; and IWFM is delighted to have been able to bring expertise to the Strategy’s development.

‘Pockets of excellence in Government have led the way in FM’s professional development. An FM wide strategy is a key next step in enabling estates functions across the piece to deliver the competence for which government generally has a strong reputation.’