IWFM Jobs: overcome the skills gap and connect with top talent now 


  • Employment and Skills

08 August 2024


Currently, in difficult economic conditions, organisations face significant jobs market challenges. Sourcing dedicated, proactive staff to fill roles which require in-demand skills; according to IWFM research these include data and technology, sustainability and workplace strategy. IWFM Jobs sets out to be the solution. Organisations can access a job-ready pool of job seekers motivated to advance their career in workplace and facilities management (WFM).  

Why IWFM Jobs is perfect for your hiring needs: 

  • IWFM’s suite of resources, from content to courses to support, means organisations and experience a comprehensive offering as they navigate the jobs market.   

  • Industry-specific listings help organisations find the right staff efficiently. 

  • More targeted advertising reduces time-to-hire and associated costs. 

  • Promoting jobs on our platform supports career growth and continuous professional development within the field.  

Visit the IWFM Jobs website to view our packages and post your job vacancies today; Corporate members who book advertising packages and invoice directly with IWFM jobs receive a discount*.  

*Not available for members who work with advertising agencies or recruitment consultancies.