IWFM Mentoring: upskilling our mentors for an enhanced mentee experience


  • Facilities,
  • Workplace

19 September 2023


We take pride in our commitment to offering the best possible support to our members. One of the ways we achieve this is through our IWFM Mentoring programme, which is designed to provide personalised, one-to-one career support to our professional grade members, and those with a complimentary one-year membership as part of their IWFM qualification.

To ensure our mentoring programme reaches its full potential, we recently invited a mentoring coach to share their expertise and ensure our new IWFM mentors are equipped to provide exceptional mentorship.

The importance of mentor training

Mentoring is about fostering a valuable relationship that benefits both the mentor and mentee. For mentees, it offers guidance, support, and the opportunity to learn from an experienced professional. For mentors, it provides a chance to give back to the profession and develop leadership skills. However, effective mentoring doesn't happen by chance; it requires skills and knowledge.

The recent training session ensured that our mentors are well-prepared to provide the best possible mentoring experience. The session covered key aspects, including:

First meeting management: The initial meeting between a mentor and mentee sets the tone for the entire relationship. It should be productive and comfortable for both parties.

What constitutes a good mentoring experience: Understanding the components of a positive mentoring experience is essential for creating a successful mentoring journey.

Mentoring cycle: Mentoring is a developmental relationship that goes through phases often called ‘the mentoring cycle’. Mentors will skilfully navigate these phases to shape a rewarding experience, ranging from rapport building all the way through to moving on once the mentee’s goals have been accomplished.

Join IWFM Mentoring

To find out more about IWFM Mentoring, click here.

Not a member or unsure if you hold the right type of membership? Feel free to contact our Member and Customer Engagement team on +44 (0) 1279 712 650 or via email at: [email protected]

Want to be a mentor instead? If you are an experienced workplace and facilities management professional who wants to make a difference, please get in touch using the contact details above.