IWFM Sustainability Survey 2022: wellbeing short survey arrives 2nd November


  • General news,
  • Sustainability

20 October 2022


The IWFM Sustainability Survey has charted the development of the subject in our profession for over 15 years. In continuing to offer a unique perspective on the emerging challenges and opportunities facing workplace and facilities managers, we will need your help.
This year, in a departure from the traditional single survey format we’re targeting four specific areas of sustainability and looking at these in a little more detail: carbon and net zero, circular economy, wellbeing and equity, diversity and inclusion.

The third survey in the series, developed with the IWFM Sustainability SIG will open on the 2 November focusing on Wellbeing. Even prior to the pandemic, wellbeing was an increasing theme for many organisations and its growth was reflected in IWFM Sustainability reports from 2016.  The importance and expectations around wellbeing during COVID-19 were also further brought into very sharp focus for employees as well as that of the wider public.  But what does the future hold for wellbeing? And as its position matures further will it become part of the norm, alongside that of health and safety, or will it occupy a different space?
The survey will open on Wednesday 2 November . Keep an eye out for the survey link which can be found on our social media channels, the IWFM home page and the Sustainability hub.