New practice note: using the NEC4 Facilities Management Contract (FMC) for TUPE clauses


  • Facilities,
  • Workplace

05 April 2023


To further support our members and the FM sector in using the NEC4 Facilities Management Contract (FMC), IWFM and NEC have published a fourth practice note on ‘Considering the necessary employment protection clauses in the NEC4 Facilities Management Contract (FMC) – the adoption of TUPE’ which is available now on the NEC website.

IWFM members receive special discounted rates for the NEC4 Facilities Management Contract (FMC) suite and related NEC training course; keep reading to find out more.

In the United Kingdom, employment rights of staff and operatives employed by a client or service provider are protected by legislation, and impact on any following contract in that those staff and operatives may have the right to be transferred to the new service provider to continue their employment and retain their employment rights.

The UK legislation is known as the Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations 2006, or TUPE.  These rights can have a significant impact on the commercial considerations of any prospective service provider; therefore, the contract needs to be clear about where the risks and liabilities lie.

This practice note – co-authored by Andy Candelent, member of IWFM NEC Steering Group and Chair of IWFM International SIG - provides guidance to a client and service provider on the issues to be considered and how employment protection clauses can be incorporated into the NEC4 FMC. Please note: it does not attempt to draft TUPE clauses for inclusion in a contract as such clauses require very careful attention, and a client and service provider is likely to obtain their own legal advice. 

The guidance is also applicable to legislated employment protection clauses in other countries.

Click here to view and download the ‘Considering the necessary employment protection clauses in the NEC4 Facilities Management Contract (FMC) – the adoption of TUPE’ practice note.

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Other NEC4 FMC practice notes

  1. Including the Living Wage in the NEC4 FMC
  2. Including Social Value in the NEC4 FMC
  3. Using the NEC4 FMC in national, international or cross-border contexts