Want to support service veterans? Join our new Network's committee  


  • Facilities

16 August 2023


Following our recent announcement that we are expanding our community groups with IWFM Networks, we are pleased to confirm we are preparing to launch the IWFM Veterans in FM Network. As part of these preparations, we are seeking passionate volunteers to fill a handful of positions on the committee. 

This offers a unique chance to play a pivotal role in shaping how the Network will deliver its objectives of providing a career route for service leavers, reservists and supporting veterans, and helping them advance in the workplace and facilities management profession.  

Get involved: Apply to join the committee  

If you are an armed forces veteran, reservist, service leaver or supporter who wants to help develop, support, and promote our programme of activities through the IWFM Veterans in FM Network, we would love to hear from you. We are looking for volunteers who can bring:  

  • experience within the industry

  • ideas and improvements  

  • specialist knowledge  

  • a network of key contacts 

  • a willingness to devote sufficient time to committee duties.  

Once appointed, volunteer committee members will:  

  • attend an induction programme  

  • participate in ongoing training  

  • attend regular committee meetings and activities  

  • keep up to date with the Institute’s policy and governance requirements 

  • stay on top of developments in the industry.  

To be considered for a role on the committee, kindly click on the link below to download the application form. Once completed, please email it to [email protected] by Monday 4 September 2023 at the latest.  

Apply now >  

IWFM Veterans in FM Network Deputy Chair Alistair Scott said:  

‘Let's collectively move away from "falling into FM" and instead make workplace and facilities management a career of choice. There is a lot of collaborative work ahead to truly realise the potential of this newly formed professional Network. Together, we can make a real difference to armed forces veterans and the profession itself.’  

Don't miss out on this fantastic opportunity to make a real impact on the industry. We look forward to hearing from you.  

If you would like to connect with other armed forces veterans in the workplace and facilities management profession and keep updated on our Network’s progress, please register your interest here.